Cookies Policy

  • To learn whether their personal data are processed or not; and
  • If their personal data are processed, to request information thereabout; and
  • To learn the purpose of the processing of their personal data and whether their personal data are used for the intended purposes or not; and
  • To learn the identity of third parties to whom their personal data are transferred in Türkiye or abroad; and
  • If incomplete or inaccurate personal data are processed, to request completion or correction of them, and to request notification of the actions taken accordingly to third parties to whom their personal data are transferred; and
  • If, though processed in accordance with pertinent provisions of the Law and other relevant laws, the causes requiring processing have ceased to exist, to request deletion or destruction of their personal data, and to request notification of the actions taken accordingly to third parties to whom their personal data are transferred; and
  • To raise objections against any probable results that may arise against the subject due to analysis of the processed data solely by means of automatic systems; and
  • If they have incurred damages and losses due to the illegal processing of their personal data, to claim indemnification of such damages and losses.